DevOps Implementation For iCare

iCare is a US based startup, working on EHR records.

Project Brief about iCare

  • Client


  • Industry


  • Team Size

    Team Size

    2 Engineers

  • Project Tenture

    Project Tenture

    12 months


iCare, a US startup focused on Electronic Health Records (EHR), is optimizing its AWS infrastructure to meet client needs. The goal is to migrate legacy systems to the cloud, enhance Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CICD) pipelines, and establish a reusable “infrastructure-as-code” framework.

Project Requirements

  • Migration from Bamboo to Jenkins CI/CD: Conduct a seamless migration from Bamboo to Jenkins CI/CD, ensuring minimal disruption and maintaining the integrity of existing processes.
  • CI/CD Pipeline Configuration: Configure a robust CI/CD pipeline in Jenkins to automate the build and deployment of the application, enhancing efficiency and reliability.
  • Technology Management: Oversee and manage the following technologies to ensure optimal performance and integration within the CI/CD pipeline:
    • Nginx: Web server configuration and management
    • Hadoop: Big data processing and management
    • Kafka: Distributed streaming platform configuration and management
    • Solr: Search platform configuration and management
  • Automation with Ansible: Convert manual installation processes into Ansible playbooks to automate application deployment, thereby reducing manual effort and potential errors.
  • Keycloak Management: Administer Keycloak for authentication and authorization, ensuring secure and efficient access control for applications.

Solutions / Implementation

  • AWS Infrastructure Analysis: Conducted a thorough analysis of the existing AWS Infrastructure, documenting resources, configurations, and dependencies for a comprehensive overview.
  • Implementation of Terraform for IaC: Implemented Terraform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC), providing a scalable and version-controlled approach to manage AWS resources.
  • EKS Cluster Management: Orchestrated and managed an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster, ensuring efficient container orchestration and scalability.
  • Helm Templated Engine Development: Developed a Helm templated engine to streamline and automate the deployment of applications within the EKS environment, enhancing consistency and efficiency.
  • Migration to AWS Code Commit: Successfully migrated version control from Git to AWS CodeCommit, ensuring a centralized and secure repository for source code management.
  • Implementation of Monitoring System: Implemented a robust monitoring system using Grafana and Prometheus, providing real-time insights into the performance and health of each application within the AWS environment.
  • Transition to Dockerized Environment: Facilitated a smooth transition to a Dockerized environment, leveraging containerization for enhanced portability, scalability, and simplified application management.


The successful revamp of DevOps Implementation in iCare demonstrated the importance of a well-structured and strategic approach to infrastructure management and automation. Conducting a thorough analysis of the existing AWS infrastructure provided a comprehensive overview of resources, configurations, and dependencies, enabling informed decision-making.

Services Offered

  • DevOps Implementation

    Streamline your development lifecycle with our DevOps solutions, combining automation, collaboration, and continuous integration.

    AWS EKS AWS EC2 VPC Code Commit